Whether you’re considering putting an offer in on a new home, have just moved, or simply want to inspect your current system for any potential red flags, Super Cool is here to help with easy and affordable HVAC inspections!

Find Problems Early

If you are buying a new house, the HVAC system is probably the most expensive and complicated system in the house. A professional HVAC inspection can find potential issues before they become your problems. Home inspectors rarely go further than determining if a system is heating or cooling. They almost always suggest consulting an HVAC professional for a detailed analysis. If you find an issue before you close on your home, often the repair or replacement costs can be negotiated from the seller.

Improved Efficiency

Just because the system is heating or cooling doesn’t mean it is running correctly. Many systems are installed with improper airflow, improper refrigerant levels, or ductwork issues. These issues add up to higher monthly utility bills.


Having a professional verify your gas furnace heat exchanger is not compromised and your flue pipe is properly venting can prevent carbon monoxide issues.


Inspections give an HVAC technician a chance to identify developing issues while they’re still minor, so you can get problems fixed before they cause a breakdown that needs an extensive repair, or worse, a component failure that requires a premature replacement

Why Schedule an HVAC Inspection?

What sets us apart from other Charlotte HVAC inspectors?

Attention to detail. 

Our technicians will diligently go through your system and write up a detailed report of all readings; providing photos and notes of any potential issues, in case you need to make repairs or negotiate with the seller.


  • Refrigerant charges

  • Motor amp draws

  • Gas furnace combustion analysis

  • Gas pressures

  • Check capacitors

  • Safety issues – flue gas routing, recalls, drainage

  • Inspect ductwork

  • Check float switches

  • Verify proper airflow

"I cannot recommend Super Cool HVAC and Mitchell enough."


"This is by far the best AC & Heating company in Charlotte, NC!"


"I felt like I was getting an honest treatment instead of a sales pitch."